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Hair Growth Spray For Men and Women

>> Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Many men and women suffer from hair loss or slow growing hair. While this could sometimes be genetic, very often it is a result of poor hair care, lack of nutrition, or poor scalp circulation. Problems such as hair fall, coarse hair and slow growing hair are signs of insufficient nutrients in the diet - and can often be resolved with a hair growth spray.

Importance Of Vitamins, Circulation And Nutrients

Our hair requires certain inputs without which it does not grow properly. Most important, it requires the raw materials that the body uses for building the follicle shaft. The follicle shaft and cuticle basically consist of long strands of the protein keratin that are interconnected so that it is strong yet elastic. Proteins such as keratin are built from smaller building blocks of amino acids. It takes many amino acid building blocks to create one long strand of keratin, and many strands of keratin to build on the strand.

To growth requires raw material in the form of chemical compounds such as amino acids that people usually do not get enough of in their diets at all. It is therefore important to augment whatever is present in your diet with nutrients and vitamins from other sources. This is where hair growth spray comes in.

How a Hair Growth Spray Helps

A key active ingredient in a good topical application is Trichogen®, which has been shown to be extremely effective at accelerating and lengthing the Anagen growing phase. When looking for topical applications, look for a product that offers a ten percent solution of Trichogen®. A percentage of 5 to 15% has been proven to improve scalp and follicle health, increasing thickness, and restoring natural growing patterns.

This form of product is also exceedingly simple to use. Just spray it onto your scalp and you will experience results in no time. The solution has been specially formulated to feed your hair follicles, providing hair with the optimum environment in which to grow. The various minerals and nutrients, along with the Trichogen® solution, will have your hair growing thick and healthy in no time!
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Everyone loves the sweet smell of men's body spray. It has the power to entice and soothe depending on the type of body spray being worn. Each men's body spray is different and this means that each one brings something different to the user which often times has very interesting results. To make the most of this, we shall highlight a set of useful tips as it relates to the application and use of men's body spray

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